Diabetes is very common in today's time. The way the lifestyle is nowadays, diabetes is catching up very fast in it. The situation is that not only people of higher age but also in today's times youth and children are also being hit by diabetes. It is a dangerous disease, which gradually hollow the body. Once this disease is accompanied by it throughout life. Growing of bloom sugar increases the disease and insulin does not work properly. That is, there are also many problems faced by them. If this is ignored then the other limbs of the body can become inactive. You are trapped in the middle of questions such as diabetes, diabetes, what is the symptoms of diabetes, how it can be avoided, etc. and you can not find the right answer. Today we are giving you every information related to diabetes.
Due to Diabetes
• You must know that our pancreatic gland does not work properly or it becomes completely useless due to diabetes. Although there are many other factors of diabetes, but the pancreatic gland is the biggest cause. In fact, different types of hormones are released from the pancreatic gland, among which are insulin and glucone. Insulin is very useful for our body. In our blood through our insulin, our cells get sugar, i.e. insulin acts as a way to bring sugar to other parts of the body. The cells or cells receive energy from the sugar provided by insulin. The cause of diabetes is low formation of insulin hormone. When insulin is less then the cells are not able to reach the cells properly and so the energy of the cells starts decreasing and due to this, the body gets damaged. Problems like having unconsciousness, burning heartbeats, and so on. Apart from this, 3 reasons mentioned below are also responsible for having diabetes.
• Due to the low formation of insulin due to diabetes, the sugar becomes high in the blood because the body energy decreases due to the accumulation of sugar in the blood so that it is removed through the urine. This is why diabetic patients often have urine.
• The main cause of diabetes is also genetic. If there is any member of your family, parents, siblings, then in the future you also get the possibility of getting diabetes.
• People who suffer from obesity are also more prone to diabetes. Your weight is very high, your BP is very high and cholesterol is also not balanced even if you have diabetes. Apart from this, the lack of exercise also invites diabetes.
What is the symptoms of diabetes?
• Feeling tired all day long. Even after getting enough sleep every day, you wake up early in the morning to feel like your sleep has not been completed and the body is tired. These things show that sugar levels in the blood are constantly growing.
• There is frequent urination when diabetes occurs. When excess quantity of sugar is collected in the body, it exits from the path of urination, which causes the complaint of diabetic patient repeated urination.
• Diabetes patient feels thirsty again and again. Because the water and sugar of the body goes out through the urine path, which is why there is always a situation like thirst for persistence. People often take this matter lightly and can not understand that their disease has started now.
• At the onset of diabetes, there is considerable impact on the eyes. At the beginning of the disease in the patient of the diabetes, the eyesight starts diminishing and the blur appears. To see any object, it has to emphasize the eyes.
• At the onset of diabetes, sudden weight starts decreasing rapidly. Man's weight starts to be low on average than normal days.
• The patient's weight of diabetes decreases but there is also an increase in appetite. Man's appetite increases manifold than other days. There is a desire to eat again and again.
• If your body is hurt or wound somewhere and does not fill it quickly, even if there is a small scratch, it will gradually turn into a big wound and the symptoms of infection begin to appear clearly.
Diabetes does not cure any type of infection in the body of the patient. If you have viral, chronic cold or any bacterial infection, you will not get relief. Small infections that are easily cured of themselves become major lesions.
• There are many skin related diseases in the beginning of diabetes. Common infections of the skin become big wounds.
Necessary tests for diabetes
• Glucose check
• People who are suffering from diabetes must periodically check the glucose. Because if the glucose level of the patients of diabetes increases then it can be very dangerous for the patient. Along with this, blood tests are also important for diabetics, it shows that the kidneys are functioning properly or not. Diabetes has a great impact on the kidney. Regular check keeps the patient away from the problem of kidney.
• Cholesterol testing can be very costly to ignore cholesterol. Because of the increased cholesterol in diabetic patients, the risk of heart disease doubles. The amount of glucose in the blood can slow down the cholesterol due to which it becomes sticky and this is the reason why cholesterol is formed rapidly. Bad cholesterol accumulates in the blood vessels of the bloodpieces and causes heart problems.
• The investigation of blood pressure is similar to the high blood pressure 'silent killer'. High blood pressure can be quite fatal in diabetic patients. High blood pressure in diabetes can also cause heart problems, heart attack, kidney and eyes. To avoid these, it is important that you get regular blood pressure check.
• Feet inspections may cause foot problems in patients with diabetes. If there is any problem with feet in diabetics, it should be taken seriously because it starts to reduce the sensitivity of the feet gradually. Therefore, minor injuries in the legs may be dangerous for the patients.
• Eye screening When the level of glucose in the blood is extended for a long time, its direct effect falls on the retina. This is called retinopathy. The disadvantage of the eyes is not known easily, for this it is necessary to check the patient regularly. If the retinopathy treatment is not treated, then the patient can also be blind. Many times the diabetic patient appears to be dull. Contact the doctor immediately.
Treatment of diabetes
Diabetes is a disease that is not dependent on any medication. It is a lifestyle linked disease and you can get rid of this disease by changing your lifestyle. People who are not serious about diabetes, such as diarrhea, are not serious, that is, they do not leave sweet food, they are fond of fast food, do not focus on growing weight, do not exercise or do yoga, drink alcohol, and eat sweet For those who do not stop it is very difficult to live. However, it is possible to get rid of diabetes if the patient is serious about his disease and making necessary changes in his lifestyle.
• How to prevent diabetes
• By saving low calorie, especially low-saturated fats, you can save yourself from the grip of diabetes. Add vegetables, fresh fruits, whole grains, dairy products and omega-3 fats to your diet. Also eat more quantity of fiber.
The more you stress, the more you will follow the unhealthy habits. Many researches have shown that due to stress the secretion of the hormones is bound, and this increases the blood glucose level. So try ways to avoid stress.
There is no such evidence that diabetes can be stopped forever. As you grow older, the risk of high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease and other health problems is also increased which is related to diabetes. Therefore, after the age of 45, it is important to have a thorough health check on a regular basis every year.
What are the challenges of diabetes?
Diabetes is a disease that affects the other organs. Although the disease does not show its effect in other organs, but if the amount of sugar in the bladder increases, then due to this 5-10 years, the other organ also gets affected. Due to this there may be some malfunction in the kidney, in the eyes, the veins of the foot. Heart disease is most likely to grow. Due to this, the risk of having paralysis and obstruction of blood circulation in the leg is more. Because of this, if there is an arterial block, then there may be heart attack. Apart from this, the possibility of brain straws increases due to the inhibition of blood supply in the brain. This situation does not come suddenly, but it is due to the history of 10 years old. Apart from this, microbasqualar related problems start to occur, it is related to the kidney, if it happens then the treatment becomes difficult.
• Home remedies for diabetes
• Bitter gourd is very beneficial in diabetes, bitter gourd is carotene called caratine, so it is used as a natural steroid, which does not increase sugar levels in the blood. 100 ml of bitter gourd By taking so much water in juice, it is beneficial to take three times a day.
• Fenugreek is very beneficial for diabetic patients. If you eat 50 grams of fenugreek daily, then your glucose level will definitely go down, and you will get relief from diabetes.
• Jamun-Jamun juice, leaf and seeds can eliminate the disease of diabetes by root. By making powder of dried seeds of Jamuna, it is possible to take one spoon twice a day with water or milk.
• Mix one spoon of amla juice in the juice of bitter sour, drink it daily, it is the best medicine for diabetes.
• Keep 15 grams fresh mango leaves soaked in 250 mL of water overnight. After this, filter this water in the morning and drink it. Apart from grinding the dry mango leaves, taking it as a powder also benefits diabetes.
• Benefits of carbohydrate, calories and many types of micro-triangle honey are beneficial for diabetes. Honey helps in reducing diabetes.
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