hypothyroidism | symptoms Increasing unnecessary weight, heavy sound etc
hypothyroidism | symptoms Increasing unnecessary weight, heavy sound etc
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Thyroid disease is increasing due to stressful lifestyle. Modern therapists are beginning to diagnose hyperthyroid disease due to hypothyroidism and stress from a comfortable life. In modern life, a person is suffering from many anxieties, such as family concerns, relationship of mutual relations between men and women, maintaining self-esteem, what people will say, etc. are a matter of many concerns.
Concerns of personal life such as children's future, living in dearness, terrorism, relationships in mutual family etc. Many things surround a person with worries. This is about the concern of the grown adults, but the adolescents have worries as they fear the mothers that they never read diaries, copies, and SMS.
Concerns about weight gain, anxiety for maintaining teen friends, worries about attaining the means of grooming the beauty, etc. anxiety reduces spiritual power. Nowadays all of us are concerned about security.
A large population is worried about the ups and downs of the business. Older people are worried about coming old age. Many people are concerned about health and the future. All these people are worried at the mental level, so some of them have mixed sex, which is lazy.
After only half-an-hour yoga and gym work towards physical exertion, the whole day brings relief and laziness. By wearing high pillows, viewing gold or TV, reading the book also has adverse effects on the function of the pineal and pituitary glands, which is indirectly visible on thyroid. There is a possibility of hypothyroidism in these situations.
Hypothyroid symptoms include unnecessary weight gain, heavy weight, fatigue, more sleepiness, neck pain, headache, stomach disorder, loss of appetite, increasing width instead of height in children, swelling on face and eyes, cold Experiencing more symptoms, dry skin, constipation, pain in joints, etc. then the person experiences symptoms, when thyroid gland begins to become less thyroxine hormone. This problem is similar in men and women, but more is found in women. It also has an impact on cholesterol, menstrual bleeding, heart beat etc.
The other problem of thyroid is the tendency to do more work of hyperthyroid, that is thyroid gland. It is more dangerous for life. The condition of building the thyroid gland more hormone (Hormone) is appetite by increasing metabolism (BMR). The person makes a lot of food even when the weight goes down. The emotional or psychological stress of a person is the main reason.
Only the blood of the cholesterol decreases in blood. Heartbeat increases and is heard in solitude. Sweating more, increasing the eyesight, increasing the depth, pulse vibration increases from 70 to 140.
There is parathyroid gland along with thyroid gland. It is small and precise in size by the thyroid, and its activism helps in the formation of teeth and bones. This gland itself supports the use of calcium and vitamin D in food. Due to the lack of hormones provided by it, there is a possibility of blood calcium increased in the kidneys.
Muscle weakness arises, shrinking the bones reduces the height of the person and the hump gets out. Less bends towards forward. To avoid all these problems, regular blood tests should not be used while using the pillows while using the respiration while sleeping. In the same way sleeping should avoid watching TV or reading a book. Use plenty of green vegetables in the food and use iodised salt in the meal.
Nadishodhan Pranayama:
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Nadishodhan Pranayama
Keeping the waist-neck straight, take a long deep breath with a nose, take it away from the other, then breathe in the same voice and leave it with the other nose. Take this process 10 times. Meditation: By keeping eyes closed to the mind, meditating on normal breathing and breathing, 'sleep' when you breathe in your mind and breathe out, take the idea of 'we' from 5 to 10 minutes.> Brahmamudra: Sit down and run neck up and down 10 times. Run 10 times to the right-left and rotate straight-down 10 times.
Like the four-headed way, the neck should be run 10 times above the waist.
Standing on the knees, holding back the ankles with both hands, tilt the neck and lift the stomach forward. 10-15 breathlessness.
Sit in Vajrasana and bow to the front and breath 10-15 times.
Sit in Vajrasana or Padmasan and with the help of the elbows, kneeling back, touch the upper part of the head from the ground and breathe 10-15 breaths.
Laying the back on the back and lifting the feet with the help of hands prevent the body from screwing. 10-15 breathlessness.
Laying the back of the back and raising the palms under the shoulders, take 10-15 breaths.
After lying on the belly, hold both ankles and raise the neck, head, chest and knees up to 10-15 breaths.
Laying on the back, leaving the body loose, take 10-15 breaths and exhalation long breaths and breathe 30 simple breaths and keep eyes closed.
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