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Face fatigue, give a gentle face to the gentle massage | MY ALL HEALTH TIPS

Face fatigue, give a gentle face to the gentle massage

Face fatigue, give a gentle face to the gentle massage
face massage

Many times you wake up early in the morning, but when the face looks in the mirror, it seems that the fatigue of the face is not erased. On this face, the tiredness of the past several days has remained tight. Many times, when a day is more busy and the more difficult days pass, the face looks tired. If you try to hide this tiredness behind your laughter, but there is no benefit.

It's always hard to get time to go to a parlor and take time to massage. It would be good to have a massage from your hands on your own, then let's know how you can touch the tiredness with your hands on your face -

1. To lighten the face appearing on the face, massage your face with fingers of your fingers. This will increase blood circulation, and you will feel refreshed.


While performing light massage on both sides of the nose, slowly massage the part from the eyes and lower part of the eye.

3. Make a gentle pressure on the eyebrows, massage the inside out from inside, then reach the forehead while massaging the outer edges of the eyes.

4. Now bring your eyes down towards the bottom of the eyes, then massaging the cheeks in the middle of the cheeks, massage the skin on the gums and hold the jaws with fingers and then press lightly.

5. Use coconut or almond oil for massage. Also add some drops of scented oil in vegetable oil and experiment

Doing is very beneficial. Fatigue easily eliminates fatigue.

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