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Dangerous disease of the heart is congestive heart failure, know its symptoms, causes and treatment | MY ALL HEALTH TIPS

Dangerous disease of the heart is congestive heart failure, know its symptoms, causes and treatment

Dangerous disease of the heart is congestive heart failure, know its symptoms, causes and treatment
Dangerous disease

When our heart does not get blood according to its need, then that condition is called congestive heart exposure or CHF. In this state, blood circulation is not properly formed through the veins of the heart around the heart. The most effective effect of congestive heart failure is on the lungs, legs and abdomen. CHF is also known as chronic heart failure. Heart disease is the most common cause of this disease, coronary heart disease, cardiomyopathy and other diseases of the heart. But if a heart attack has already happened, then its effect falls in the later stage and the condition of the congestive heart failure.

Reasons for Congestive Heart Failure

• Because of obesity
• Consume saturated fats and high cholesterol diet
• Having high blood pressure
• Due to diabetes
• Smoking
• Due to physical inactivity

Symptoms of Congestive Heart Failure

• Being attached to breathing during physical activity
• Unable to breathe even in normal conditions
• Always feel tired
• Pain in the muscles
• Swelling of the ankle and leg
• Swelling of the stomach
• wheezing and frequent coughing in the throat

Treatment of Congestive Heart Felloiner

From medicines

This disease of heart can be overcome through medicines. To regulate blood circulation, you can take medicines with advice from your doctor. By taking medicines, the heart will work properly and this disease will be controlled.
Treatment of high blood pressure
If your blood pressure is right, then there may be a condition of congestive heart failure. Therefore, this disease can be controlled by controlling the blurred pressure.

Changes in Lifestyle

Most responsible for heart disease is Lifestyle and Diet. If the condition of the congestive heart failer, then exercise regularly, do not do the smokering altogether, follow the diet chart regularly, include low-fat foods in the food, take salt in small quantities.

Through surgery

Through the surgery, the narrow valve surrounding the heart is changed. It is also possible to treat coronary bypass surgery and heart transplantation.

Congestive heart failure is common among older people. After this disease has happened, man remains alive on the basis of his condition, if it becomes complex, then the person's survival is less. By reducing surgery, medicines and lifestyle, its complexity can be reduced.

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