Healthy habits can save your body from heart related diseases. | MY ALL HEALTH TIPS
Healthy habits can save your body from heart related diseases.
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save your body from heart related diseases. |
Svetas is a healthy heart in the body. You are very young or old, it is not necessary, care of heart should be done at any age. Self-dependent habits can save your body from cardiovascular diseases.
Lack of exercise, unhealthy eating habits, bad habits, cardiovascular diseases. You can keep the heart healthy at any age of your age and can save yourself from heart related diseases. Senior Director of the Asian Heart Institute, Mumbai, Cardiologist and Head of Cardiac Rehabilitation, Dr. Nilesh Gautam is explaining ways to prevent and relieve heart related illnesses.
Have health food
For all cardiovascular diseases, there is a bad habit of eating habits. Therefore, always follow the Swasta Diet Plan. Eat such a diet, in which the amount of saturated fats, cholesterol, sodium, sugar is reduced. Eat fresh fruits and green vegetables in the form of a healthy diet, besides eat fiber content such as whole grains, fish (eat fish for at least two days a week), dry fruits, legumes and seeds. Also try to eat without meat. Consumption of fat-free and low-fat dairy products Reduce intake of sugar and sugar syrup.
physical activity
Vy yam is very important to keep the heart in its place. At least 2½ hours (150 minutes) in low-working aerobic vyannymes (fast moving walks) in the week, or at least 1 hour and 15 minutes in the more working aerobic exercise (eg - jogging or running) week Do it, or do both yam together. In addition to strengthening your muscles, stretch your legs, waist, back, chest, shoulder, muscles for two or three days in the week.
Avoid smoking
Avoid smoking in a fair and unintended way. Excessive smoking is more harmful than non-futuristic smoking. According to the report of the US Surgeon General, the risk of spreading heart and lung related diseases among non-smokers is more than 30 percent of those who smoke.
Adopt healthy habits
It is very important to adopt selfish habits to keep the heart healthy. Tell the children along with their self-improvement habits. Instead of spending time doing physical activity instead of resting at all. Instead of going around the bike or by car instead of going around, go on foot. Put your children in physical activity with you too.
Family history
If there is a heart related illness in your family, then you also have a risk of heart related illness in the future. So, try to avoid your potential hazard by knowing your family history. Keep weight in control, do regular exercise, do not smoke, and eat a healthy diet. Also, keep regular checkups of your heart.
avoid stress
Stress is not the biggest enemy of your heart, try to control it. Stress increases the heartbeat and blood pressure which can damage the walls of your artery. So try to keep stress under control, for this, try the deep breathing yoga and meditation.
Blood Sugar Testing
Keep checking your blood sugar levels from time to time. After the age of 45, it is necessary to check the bladder sugar. Be sure to check bleed sugar every three years. If you are overweight, suffer from diabetes, or are likely to have diabetes, then check the milk powder already.
If your partner complains that you snore at night, do not ignore it at all. Snoring means that you have a problem breathing. This poses a risk of high blood pressure, heart related illnesses. You can get control over regular habits and healthy eating habits.
Ankle check
After 60 years of age, it is very important to do the Ankle-Breveic Index test for every year or every other year. This investigation helps in the diagnosis of PED (peripheral artery disease) occurring in soles. This disease also increases the likelihood of cardiovascular disease.
Weight check
Higher weight increases the likelihood of heart-related diseases. Therefore, check your weight regularly. Due to obesity, chances of high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes and high cholesterol are high. Regular weight loss and self-esteem habits of catering will help keep your weight under control.
Find the dangers
To prevent any type of heart problem, it is important to recognize the problems associated with it during the time. If your stroke or heart attack is likely to occur then identify its symptoms and treat it immediately. When it is diagnosed with time, its treatment becomes easier.
Heart disease prevention
• Do not smoke or avoid tobacco consumption.
• Do regular dose for 30 minutes.
• Eat a healthy diet.
• Keep weight under control.
• Sufficient sleeping is also important.
• Check regularly
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