If You Eat An Avocado A Day For A month This Is What Happens To Your Body | MY ALL HEALTH TIPS
If You Eat An Avocado A Day For A month This Is What Happens To Your Body
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avocado is a lot of people’s favorite fruit, and this isn’t the case with Americans only, but with people from many other countries as well. This tasty fruit contains a lot of nutrients and so it offers numerous health-benefits.
Additionally, numerous studies have shown that people who consume avocados regularly have lower Body-Mass-Index and better nutrient intake when compared to those who don’t eat avocados frequently. Here is what 1 Avocado a day can do to your body.
1.It’s a Healthy fat
The avocado is virtually the only fruit that has monounsaturated fat (good-fat). According to the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, good-fats are those that can lower bad-cholesterol levels, reduce the risk of heart-attack and stroke. So instead of mayonnaise why not spread some Avocado on your toast and sandwiches.
2.Helps lose weight
According to a study published in the Nutrition Journal, ½ avocado with lunch can be of great help for overweight individuals as it keeps you satiated for a longer period of time. According to the participants in the study, they had 40% lesser desire for eating for more than 3-hours and 28% lesser desire for eating 5-hours after a meal.
3. Reduces Cholesterol level
Statistically speaking, 1 in 3 American adults suffer from problems related to high cholesterol levels which only double the risk of cardiovascular diseases. However, there are natural ways to lower high cholesterol-levels. Studies have shown that regular consumption of avocado is an excellent way to decrease cholesterol-levels. Avocado has the amazing power to lower blood-triglycerides and cholesterol levels, as well as to lower LDL cholesterol levels and to increase HDL levels.
4.Avocardo is rich in nutrients
Avocados have an abundance of nutrients and each serving has more than 20-vitamins and minerals. Through consumption of one avocado you intake the following recommended daily values: 33% of vitamin-C, 21% of vitamin-E, 26% of vitamin-B6, 53% of vitamin-K, 19% of copper, 41% of folate, 28% of potassium, and 28% of pantothenic-acid.
5.Prevents diabetes
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, at one point in our lives, diabetes is going to affect around 40% of people in USA. In order to minimize this risk, you must balance your blood-sugar levels. One study showed that participants who were given ½ avocado with their lunch, and had their insulin and blood-glucose levels checked at intervals, raised their carb and calorie intake, but showed no increase in the blood-sugar levels, unlike those who didn’t consume an avocado with lunch
6.Improves Bone health
Avocados are rich in Vitamin-K, folate, copper, and numerous other nutrients. When regularly consumed, avocados help in the building and maintenance of strong bones.
7.Helps in Digestion
Avocados keep the digestive-system working smoothly. A single avocado has 13 grams fiber which is 54% of the daily recommended fiber.
8.It is Anti-Carcinogenic
According to a study, avocado may be helpful in inhibiting or stopping prostate-cancer cell growth. Another study pointed out that avocados can be significant in the reduction of chemotherapy side-effects.
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