Dengue Fever: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatments | MY ALL HEALTH TIPS
Dengue Fever: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatments
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Dengue Fever |
Dengue Feminine Aid is caused by biting the Egyptian mosquito. These mosquitoes have streaks like leopards on their body. These mosquito bites in the day, especially in the morning. Dengue is the most expansive season of the rainy season and its immediate aftermath, ie July to October, because there are favorable conditions for mosquito breeding in this season. Aedes Egyptian mosquitoes do not fly very high.
Dengue has spread its legs. In the beginning, it can prove to be a life-threatening fever, delay or wrong treatment. If there is a right treatment at the time, circumstances remain in control. Experts said about the prevention and treatment of dengue ...
How and when dengue
How does spread
Dengue virus is very high in the blood of the patient suffering from dengue fever. When an Aedes mosquito bites a patient of dengue, then he sucks the blood of that patient. With blood, the dengue virus also goes into the mosquito's body. When a mosquito with a dengue virus bites another person, then that virus gets into that person's body, causing him to suffer from dengue virus.
When does disease appear
About 3-5 days after cutting, the symptoms of dengue fever appear in the patient. The time for the disease to grow in the body can be 3 to 10 days.
How many types of dengue
It is of three types
1. Classical (simple) dengue fever
2. Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF)
3. Dengue Shock Syndrome (DSS)
Dengue is one of the three and the third types of these are the most dangerous. Normal dengue fever is cured by itself and there is no danger of knowing it but if anyone has DHF or DSS and can not be treated immediately, then it can be known. Therefore it is most important to recognize that fever is normal dengue, is DHF or DSS.
What are the symptoms
Simple dengue fever
Sudden cold fever
Pain in head, muscles and joints
Pain in the back of the eyes, which increases with the eye pressing or moving
Too much weakness, loss of appetite, and bad taste and mood swings
Sore throat
Rash of red-pink color especially on face, neck and chest
Classical simple dengue fever lasts for 5 to 7 days and the patient gets cured. In most cases this kind of dengue fever occurs.
Dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF)
Nose and bleeding gums
Bleeding or vomiting
Dark blue-black collar on the skin
If these symptoms also appear along with the symptoms of classical simple dengue fever, then it can be serious. It can be detected from the blood test.
Dengue Shock Syndrome (DSS)
This fever has some symptoms of 'shock' as well as symptoms of DHF as well. like :
The patient becomes very restless and despite his high fever, his skin feels cold.
The patient slowly starts losing consciousness.
The patient's pulse seems to be fast and sometimes slow. His blood pressure is completely low.
Note: Dengue also gets multi organ failure several times. In this, the fluid inside the cells exits. Water is stored inside the stomach. Lungs and liver have a bad effect and they stop working.
Which test
If there is a high fever, if joints have severe pain or are rash on the body, then dengue should be tested on the first day. If there are no symptoms, but there is a high fever, even after waiting for a day or two, the physician will definitely go. On suspicion, the doctor will check the dengue. Antigen Blood Test (NS1) is done initially to check for dengue. In this test, dengue initially gets more positive, while gradually gradually decreasing potency decreases. This test is about 1000 to 1500 rupees. If you do test after three to four days, it is better to do antibody test (dengue syrolology). For this, 600 to 1500 rupees are charged. While examining dengue, total count of white blood cells and separate count should be done. In this test, the number of platelets is known. Most of the dengue tests are done in hospitals and labs. The test report comes in 24 hours. Good Labs also report in two or three hours. These tests can be empty or stomach, how can they be done.
Role of platelets
Usually, a healthy person has one to one and a half million platelets in the body. Platelets work to prevent body bleeding. If platelets are less than one lakh, then it can be dengue. Although it is not necessary that the person who is dengue, go down his platelets. If platelets are less than one lakh then the patient should be admitted immediately to the hospital. If platelets fall to 20,000 or below, plateletlets are needed. Bleeding is not available for 40-50 thousand platelets. Dengue virus usually reduces platelets, which starts bleeding in the body. If platelets are rapidly falling, for example, in the morning there was one lakh and by 50 noon to 60 in the afternoon, it could fall to 20 thousand by the evening. In such cases, doctors start arranging platelets so that platelets can be offered to the patient when necessary. It takes three to four hours to remove platelets.
Children in danger
Children's immune system is more vulnerable and they are more open in the open, therefore they need to become conscious of them. Parents note that children wear full clothes outside the house. Where to play, there is no dirty water stored around. School administration should take care that the mosquito can not be found in schools. Even very small children can not even tell about the illness, so if the child is crying too much, constantly being asleep, restless, she has high fever, rash on the body, vomiting, or any of these symptoms Show the doctor immediately. If the children are dengue then they should be treated only by keeping them in hospital because platelets fall rapidly in children and dehydration (water shortage) is also quick.
Show which doctor
Dengue should go to a good physician. If the symptoms of dengue are seen in children, then take them to pediatrician.
If the patient has a normal dengue fever then he can be treated and treated at home.
- With the advice of the doctor, take paracetamol (crosin etc.).
-Espirin (Dispirin) etc. Do not take it at all. These may reduce platelets.
-If the fever is more than 102 degrees Fahrenheit, keep water straps on the patient's body.
-Continue to eat normally. The condition of the fever requires the body to eat more.
-Let the table relax.
If there is a single symptom of DSS or DHF in the patient, take him to the doctor as soon as possible. Plates in DSS and DHF fever decreases, which can affect the essential parts of the body. Not every patient of dengue fever is required to carry platelets, only platelets are clogged when dengue hemorrhagic and dengue shock syndrome are fever. If the treatment is started at the right time, then the entire treatment of DSS and DHF is possible.
Seeing its symptom and giving platelet blood tests is done only after. But in any kind of dengue there should not be a lack of water in the patient's body. Give him plenty of water and other liquids (lemon water, buttermilk, coconut water etc.) so that the blood is not thick and not frozen. Also, the patient should complete the rest. Rest is also the medicine of dengue.
There is no patent drug in Ayurveda. But do not have dengue, this recipe can be adopted for this. In one cup of water, one teaspoon giloya juice (if its trunk is obtained, take a four-inch stick, take it from the vine which climbs on neem tree), two black pepper, five leaves of basil and ginger mixed in water Boil the beans and take 5 days. If desired, add a little salt and sugar to it. Take twice daily in the morning, after breakfast and before dinner at dinner.
Precautionary precaution
Do not drink fresh water, do not eat flour and stale food.
-More use of turmeric, celery, ginger, asafoetida in the diner.
In this season, do not eat leafy vegetables, Arabs, cauliflower.
-Helka eat food, which can easily digest.
- Take complete sleep, drink plenty of water and boil water and drink.
Do not eat mermaid spices and fried food, eat less than hunger, do not eat stomach.
Drink some water. Drink buttermilk, coconut water, lemonade, etc.
Rescue also treatment
To avoid illness, stay physically fit, mentally strong and emotionally balanced.
- Eat good, drink well and get a good sleep.
Place the mustard oil inside the nose. This prevents the smoothing of oil from going outside the nose of bacteria from the outside.
Use more turmeric in the room. Take half a teaspoon of turmeric with water or half a teaspoon of turmeric with a glass of milk in the morning. But if you have ninja, cold or cough etc. do not take milk. Then you can take turmeric with water.
Mix the juice of eight or ten basil leaves with honey and boil 10 basil leaves of basil in half a glass of water, when it remains half then drink that water.
Drink plenty of things rich in vitamin C, such as: can take two amla, orange or seasonal one day. It keeps our immune system right.
Do not try yourself
Do not take any anti-biotic or any other medication on your own. If the fever is high then go to the doctor and take medication from his advice.
In these days only fever can take paracetamol. Do not take aspirin as it is because if taking dengue, aspirin or broofin etc. platelets can be reduced.
Do not take any medicines even though there are minor coughs.
Do not go to zodiacal doctors. Often such doctors give any medicines without thinking. Do not take Dexamethasone (generic name) into injection and tablet. Often diarrhea patients give injections and tablets, which can lead to death.
How to Avoid Dengue
There are two ways to avoid dengue. Preventing Aedes mosquitoes from being born. Avoiding the bites of Aedes mosquitoes.
Measures to prevent mosquitoes from being born
Do not allow water to be stored around the house or office, fill the pits with soil, clean the blocked drains.
If it is not possible to stop the accumulation of water, then pour petrol or kerosene oil in it.
- Allow all the room coolers, vapor leaves, once a week, and give the grains to the birds to completely free the pots daily, dry them and then fill them out. Do not keep broken bits, tires, utensils, bottles etc. in the house. If kept, keep reverse.
- Dengue mosquitoes grow in clean water, so keep the tank water well closed.
If possible, preventing mosquitoes from coming home by applying a fine net on windows and doors.
- Use mosquito nets, spray, mats, coles etc. to kill mosquitoes and kill them. It is a good home remedies to remove mosquito from Guggul's smoke.
- Spraying of mosquito nets once a week in all places inside the home. Spread this medication behind photo-frames, curtains, calendars etc. and at the house store-room and all corners. Tie a garment on your mouth and nose while spraying the medicine. Also, cover all the food items.
Mosquito bites prevention
-Wearing such clothes, covering the greater part of the body. This caution is especially important for children. Children do not wear nickers and T-shirts in the malaria season.
-Save the mosquito cream creams.
-Pray mosquitoes while sleeping
pay attention
If you have fever these days, just take paracetamol (crosin, calpol etc). Do not take aspirin (dispirin, ecospirin) or analgesic (brephins, combiflame, etc.) at all. Because if there is dengue, taking Aspirin or Bruffin etc. can reduce platelets and bleeding may start from the body.
Sometimes, the fever decreases on the fourth day on the fifth day, it seems that the patient is recovering, while platelets are starting to fall in such cases. Even after the fever decreases, do one plateletts count test once in a day or two.
If someone has dengue, keep it inside mosquito nets so that the mosquito bites it and does not spread the disease in others.
20's Formula
Some experts in dengue talk about the 20-formula. If the pulse rate of 20 is increased, the blood pressure below 20 will decrease, the difference in blood pressure above and below should be less than 20, platlets should be less than 20 thousand, more than 20 grains in one inch area of the body If there is any such signs, then the patient must be admitted in the hospital.
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