Relationship between dehydration and metabolism | MY ALL HEALTH TIPS
Relationship between dehydration and metabolism
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dehydration |
About half of your body weight is equal to water, 50 to 60 percent for women and 60 to 65 percent for men (according to the healthyeating site). Every day, you routinely release a certain amount of fluid through perspiration and other methods. Tell you that dehydration can affect the efficiency of most body functions, including metabolism. Research suggests that hydrotherapy can help to speed up dull metabolism properly. So let's know what is the relationship between dehydration and metabolism? And how can it affect the body?
Water is involved with almost every biological function in the body, so the body's metabolic rate slows down in the condition of dehydration in your body. When your body does not have enough water, your calorie-burning machines (muscles) have dramatically slow down. Your muscles have more than 70 percent water, so when they are not fully hydrated, their ability to generate energy is severely affected.
The ability to use fat as a fuel
There is another important factor to understand, and it is that when you are dehydrated, the ability to use body fat as a fuel is restricted. Due to the above two factors, dehydration due to these two factors slow down your metabolism.
Protect yourself from dehydration
Therefore, the list of negative effects on your metabolism due to dehydration is endless. But still the effect of dehydration is often ignored, while in fact it should be one of the priorities of any healthy eating plan. Because drinking enough water is the first step towards working on the optimum level of your metabolism. So drink at least 2 to 3 liters of water a day.
Dirt out and increase metabolism
Due to the haste, part-race or taste of the tongue, we do not know how much in the day we eat. These dirt emits from the body by drinking water. Do not drink water according to need reduces the work capacity of the body, and it gets tired quickly and its metabolism slows down too.
It is not hungry Thirsty
Often people can not distinguish between thirst and hunger and some eat something. As a result, at a time when the body needs only one glass of cold water, we are giving non-essential calories to the body. So next time you feel hungry, drink a glass of water first.
water Increased hunger and metabolism
When your stomach is clean when drinking enough water, then it is properly hungry. This allows you to do breakfast better in the morning. Along with drinking water, your body's metabolism may increase up to 24 percent. This means that you can digest food early and reduce a little weight together.
How to Hydrate Yourself
To hydrate yourself, drink copper jab or water in the glass every morning. It will keep you fresh and will save you from many diseases as well. By getting empty stomach water it also exposes your stomach's mess too quickly. It also provides energy and oxygen to the body.
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