These 8 great tips, of course, are important for reducing the waist and abdominal fat.
reducing the waist and abdominal fat. |
1 Drinking water at the end of the meal should not be appropriate, but should drink water only after one and a half hours. It does not cause obesity on the stomach and waist, but also reduces obesity.
2 Diet should take only a little less than hunger. Due to this digestion is also good and the stomach is not big.
3 It should be noted that there is no gas in the stomach. The strain of gas strains the stomach.
4 Both times must be avoided for defecation.
5 In the diet, the quantity of vegetables, raw salads and raw green vegetables-should be kept low and the quantity of chapati, rice and potatoes should be kept low.One should observe fasting or feeding once in 6 weeks.
7 Only fruits and milk should be consumed on fasting day.
8 To reduce the size of the stomach and waist, after the rise in the morning or before sleeping, the abdominal portion above the navel should be baked with the 'steam of buffer'. Baking 10 minutes daily is enough. In some days the size of the stomach will start decreasing.
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