If you want to avoid cancer, know how much salt should be eaten during the day
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Advantages of eating salt Disadvantages.
According to a recent report by the World Health Organization (WHO), people around the world consume more 'salt' than they need. Which is not right for health.
Properties of salt.
Salt is such a food item or rather it is the only substance that gives us sodium and chloride elements. Both these elements are very important for our body. Daily intake of salt is essential for keeping our body healthy and fit, but also to a extent.
W H O Report.
According to the report released by WHO, on an average every person in the world consumes 9 to 12 grams (daily) of salt. This quantity has been found to be much higher than the average quantity, which gradually makes our body vulnerable to diseases of which heart attack, brain attack, kidney problems have been found the most.
How much should I consume?
Salt that enhances the taste of foods is used in every household, but not only the taste, salt also gives many health benefits. The sodium element that comes in the body after consuming salt helps in increasing the body fluids.
Benefits of adding salt.
Apart from this, it also helps our body to keep the neural relationships functioning smoothly. In addition to sodium, the chloride element found in salt helps us in boosting digestive power.
Beneficial for them.
Also, for people who have low blood pressure, it is very important to keep eating the right amount of salt. Salt intake is more important for these people than any other food item. Because it normalizes blood pressure and gives them physical strength.
Limited amount of salt.
But what problems do we face when salt is taken in excess of its limited quantity? Let's know about diseases and some symptoms caused by eating too much salt. It is possible that you too are going through this phase….
Bad for the heart.
Eating too much salt proves fatal to our heart. According to an international research, excessive intake of salt increases cardio problems, the main reason for which is the increase in blood pressure levels using salt.
Bones weak.
It is very important to have calcium in the body to keep bones strong, and according to experts, consuming more salt removes calcium from our body.
colon cancer.
Consuming salt is considered very good for our stomach, but when it comes to its excess, then in this case it starts doing harm rather than benefits. According to the doctors, only those who consume more salt become the victims of stomach cancer.
Eat how much salt
So now the question arises that how much salt should be eaten in the last day? How much salt should be consumed so that it does not prove harmful to our health?
6 grams of salt.
According to WHO report, a young man should not consume more than 6 grams of salt in a day. One teaspoonful of salt is equal to 6 grams, which fulfills its salt throughout the day.
for children.
Children should be given 4 grams of salt and children younger than 1 year should not be fed more than 1 gram of salt. Because the kidneys of such a young child
cannot handle much salt.
How to reduce salt intake
So if you consume more than the stated amount of salt, immediately cut it. But if you are confused about how to reduce salt intake, then we can also help you in this.
Reduce the amount of salt you add to the dishes being made throughout the day. Reduce the quantity as much so that the taste does not change much. Also stop adding salt to foods that already have some salt test. This way you will be able to eat less salt.
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