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How will a man of millions of years from today? | MY ALL HEALTH TIPS

How will a man of millions of years from today?

How will a man of millions of years from today?
man of millions of years from today

Will humans have a mixed form of biological and artificial species in the coming days? Maybe he should be taller and taller or taller, thin or even more fat, or maybe his face and skin change itself

Of course, we can not answer these questions right now. For this, we have to go to the past and see how human beings were millions of years ago. From the time when Homo sapiens were not there Millions of years ago there was probably another human species, which resembled homo erectus and today's human.

In the last ten thousand years, there have been some very important changes that people have molded themselves. There were many problems due to the dependence on farming and the increase in the catering options, for which people had to resort to science to solve, like insulin for the treatment of diabetes.

Body texture is also different in different areas, where people are obese, somewhere long. According to Thomas Myelund, associate professor of bioinformatics department of Aarhus University in Denmark, if human length was less then our body would need less energy and it would be perfectly suitable for a growing population of the planet.

Brain development
Living with all the people is another such situation, according to which a person has to mold himself. In the past, when we were dependent on prey, there was very little communal communication in everyday life. Mayilund believes that we should have molded ourselves in such a way that we can deal with it all. We can do a great job like remembering people's names.

The role of technology starts here. Thomas believes- "With an implant fit in the brain, we can easily remember people's names."

He says, "We know which genes will be effective in this kind of development of the brain, so that we can remember the names of more and more people."

In the future, we may be able to make changes in those genes. It sounds like a science fiction but it is possible. We can apply such implants, but we do not know exactly how to add it so that it can be used more and more. We are reaching close to him but now the experiment is going on. They say, "It's a matter of technology now more than biological."

Children of choice will be parents
Till now, we are able to change or repair broken organs such as pacemakers or revenge of the hips. Maybe in the future, all these people are used to make the better. It also includes the development of the brain. We may use more of our technique or body in the body. Artificial eyes, such as a camera fit that can hold different frequencies of different colors and images.

We have all heard about the designer children. Scientists have already invented such techniques that only change the genes of the fetus and nobody knows what will happen next. But Mylund believes that changing of some genes in future will be considered unethical. With it we will be able to choose how the child looks, perhaps the person will look as if his parents want to see him.

Mylund says, "It will depend only on choosing, but these elections will now be artificial. That which we are doing with dog species, we will start doing it with humans."

Genetic variation
Thinking all this seems very fictional, but can the trends of population give us some indication about how we will look in the future?


We now have human genetic samples from all over the world. Genetic variation and its effect on population are now better understood by genetics scientists. Right now, we can not clearly say what the genetic variation would be like, but by the bioinformatics, the scientific population trends can make some sense.

Jason has predicted that inequalities in the urban and rural areas will increase. He says: "People come from rural areas only in urban areas, so more than the rural areas, the genetic diversity will be seen in urban areas." They also have to say - "It may be that these diversities continue to appear in the lives of people."

These will not be all the same in the world. For example, in England there is less diversity in the rural areas than the city and the number of people coming out of the city

How to become a Second Planet
Some communities have higher rates of fertility, fewer in few As Africa's population is growing rapidly, their jeans will grow faster than the rest of the world. Fertility rates are low in areas where white people live. This is the reason that Jason has predicted that the number of people who are swept around the world will increase.

They say, "It is certain that the number of people who are mixed with white people will increase rapidly, and after the many generations of humans, the color will be deeper than today's generation."

And what will happen to space? If humans made settlements on Mars, how would we look? Due to low gravity, the structure of our muscles will change. Maybe our hands and feet become taller. In the cold environment like the ice age, do we

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