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It is believed that fish oil is very beneficial for the heart. | MY ALL HEALTH TIPS

It is believed that fish oil is very beneficial for the heart.

It is believed that fish oil is very beneficial for the heart.
fish oil

It is believed that fish oil is very beneficial for the heart. Often people recommend consumption of heart diseases. Doctors also give fish oil capsules as supplements for patients and recommend eating fish. Recently, American Heart Association has advised patients for heart disease patients to consume fish oil. But is it really beneficial for the fish oil capsules heart for these supplements of fish oil? Let's tell you what experts believe.

Why is it beneficial for the heart to fish oil

Fish oil is beneficial for the heart because its oil contains omega-3 fatty acids. This acid controls cholesterol, prevents blood clotting from freezing and reduces inflammation in the body. Due to these same qualities of fish oil it is considered to be good for heart because the reasons for heart diseases are the three reasons. The most common diseases of the heart are due to cholesterol fractures, due to blood clotting or swelling of internal organs.

Is there a scientific basis in relation to fish oil and heart diseases?

Fish oil is beneficial for the heart, such people believe. However, no scientific research has yet been found. The reason behind such people's assertion is that some species living near the marine areas, which consume more of fatty fish, have been found to be less susceptible to heart diseases. Since fatty fish have abundant amounts of omega-3 fatty acids, these fishes are beneficial for the heart, but you will also get all those benefits from its oil supplements, such experts do not consider it as such.

What is Fish Oil Supplements or Capsules

Experts believe that all properties of any food can not be changed from any method to capsules or tablets. So if you take fish oil supplements, then it may be that you do not get any benefit. Actually fish oil capsules are the attraction of the market. People are getting increasingly heart-related illnesses and people are conscious of keeping the heart healthy and they are also spending that money for it. In such a situation, in view of the benefits of fatty fish, its oil capsules were made, but these capsules are not beneficial for you as much as fatty fish intake.

Use or Do not Use Fish Oil Supplements

According to experts, if there are some benefits of fish oil capsules for the heart, then they are very few. Instead of capsules, if you consume only fatty fish, you get more benefit from these fishes as there are many other nutrients along with fatty acids, which are very beneficial for the body. By consuming fatty fish twice a week, you can avoid many diseases. Yes, if you do not eat fish or you have trouble getting fatty fish, in such a situation you can use these supplements.

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