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Talking about such foods, which will not come early old age. | MY ALL HEALTH TIPS

Talking about such foods, which will not come early old age.

Talking about such foods, which will not come early old age
old age

Aging is a natural process, which can not stop anyone from coming, but fighting with all kinds of challenges in life-fighting person becomes so old, it does not even understand himself. Things like wrinkles on the face, blackness under the eyes, and curly hair are showing that you are getting old. In such a situation, it is very important for our catering to be better. We are telling you about such food, which will not come from old age due to consumption.

Tomatoes and watermelons

Tomatoes and watermelons are known as the rich source of lycopene. Lycopen encounters free radicals nutrising and reduces chances of having special type of cancers. The presence of antioxidants protects the skin from sun damage. Cooked tomatoes are a better option because because of warming, more antioxidants are available in the body. Tomato juice and raw tomatoes are also good sources.

Garlic and Vegetables

There are aliens in garlic and other vegetables such as onions, leks and shalotes which are powerful weapons to combat free radicals. Not only do they face Aging but also the strength of the immune system of the body.


Berries such as blueberries, strawberries, blackberries, cherries and palmgranate are full of antioxidants. Antioxidant chemicals are safe in deep-colored fruits and vegetables.


All kinds of beans, red, black, kidney, are rich sources of antioxidants. Soybean contains eosoflavens which contain anti-aging properties. These cancers help in the prevention of bad cholesterol and osteoporosis.


Nuts contain healthier fat, giving the benefits of elastin and collagen (proteins found in the skin) to maintain skin moisture. You get essential antioxidants by taking a fist nuts daily. It is advisable to take in small amounts because there is a lot of calories in nuts.

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