Coronary angiography is a process that involves seeing blood vessels of the heart. | MY ALL HEALTH TIPS
Coronary angiography is a process that involves seeing blood vessels of the heart.
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Coronary angiography is a medical examination of the blood vessels, ducts, arteries and veins related to the heart. This process similar to X-rays is used to check coronary heart disease. In other words, coronary angiography is a process where x-ray imaging is used to see blood vessels of the heart. This technique is used when there is a danger of blocking blood vessels. With this help, any obstruction or secretion in the heart artery is detected immediately.
Surgeons open them by angioplasty after detecting blocked arteries with angiography. This test is done in two ways. First Hand and Second Thieves Both of these methods are very simple. The process of conventional coronary angiography was somewhat complicated, in which the person had to lie down for seven to eight hours and it was forbidden to move feet. In such a situation, even though Urine felt very strong pressure, some patients could not lie down and discharge urine, which would cause them much trouble. In view of such problems of patients, we invented a new technique for angiography in 1998, in which angiography is done by inserting a very thin catheter from the elbow or wrist and giving 10 cc dye. Also, eco tests are also done to check for certain types of blood tests and heartbeats.
This process is completely safe. There is no need to take a cloth in the patient. She has to lie on the table for less than 5 minutes. This type of checkout is used to see how much blockage has caused the coronary due to the blockage. If the blockage is high then at the same time it can be removed by angioplasty or stenting. The person can start his normal activities in less than an hour.
What is angioplasty and when does it need?
Angioplasty is a way of opening the blocked heart arteries with surgery. Coronary arteries supply oxygen and nutritious blood to the heart muscles. When obstructions arise in these arteries, it can not supply blood properly to the heart muscles. Consequently, it starts the angina pane (chest pain). In such a situation some patients may need angioplasty.
Precautions after angioplasty
According to the instructions given by the doctor, take all medicines at regular intervals. Do not stop using any medication without asking your heart specialist. Avoid overworked work in the first week. Then gradually increase your activity according to the doctor's advice. Stay away from stress, anxiety and $ rage. Keep your weight balanced. In such a case, doctors recommend adopting simple-balanced food and exercising some light-weight exercises. You follow all their instructions. Stay away from more ghee-oiled meals.
Catering in angioplasty
After angioplasty, use a very limited amount of ghee-oil in your diet because this is the only $ $ to control the growing cholesterol in the body. In your diet calories, fat, cholesterol, sodium, that is, the amount of salt can be reduced to only $. It would be better to have a diet chart for yourself and pay attention to your diet accordingly.
Does it have any side effects?
During this time, allergic reaction may occur several times with X-ray dye. Along with this, the fear of damage of heart valves or blood vessels is also there. In which part the tube or catheter is placed, bleeding or clotting can occur. Therefore, an experienced cardiologist should do angioplasty only.
When to go to office?
After angioplasty, the patient can start to go to office after 15 days. If he has had a heart attack before, then he should go to office only after resting for one and a half months.
When to show the doctor after angioplasty?
After angioplasty, it is very important for the patient to follow up after 15 days so that the doctor can properly monitor the improvement. After that go to the doctor at the interval of 3 months for one year. When one year is complicated, do checkup after six months interval. If you take care of these things then there will be no problem after angioplasty.
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