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your weight loss make you look older That Are Actually Evidence-Based

your weight loss make you look older That Are Actually Evidence-Based

your weight loss make you look older That Are Actually Evidence-Based
weight loss 

your weight loss make you look older That Are Actually Evidence-Based The most common advice given to people troubled by growing obesity is that they should stay away from things like potatoes and rice. It looks less weight but it does not seem to be close to death.

In many cases it has been found that things like high carbohydrate are not suitable for eating and increasing weight. Therefore, those who want to lose their weight quickly, they immediately stop eating things such as potatoes and rice. Many people also benefit from this. But Austrian researchers show that if there is a lack of carbohydrate in the body, then the body becomes home to many diseases and diseases make the person weak and give death too early.

Researchers conducted tests on 900 rats to reach these conclusions. Dieting was done with these hundreds of rats. During this, different groups of rats were given different types of food. His diet had different amounts of protein, carbohydrate and fat or fat. The kind of food that mice found was directly related to their age. The lifetime of these rats was recorded between 100 weeks and 150 weeks. The amount of time the rat has won, it was seen in the food in its food, with the ratio of protein, carbohydrate and fat.

The effect is seen in old age: This is the first study of its kind to look at the balance of nutrients in the food and the body's energy needs associated with health, aging and lifespan. David Le Toure, who researches on gerontology or old age in Sydney University, explains that eating a diet rich in carbohydrates and reducing the amount of meat and other foods eaten with the rest of the protein can lead to a long and healthy life.

He has helped Austrian researchers in writing this street published in the journal 'Cell Metabolism'. Says the affirmative, 'The direct correlation of low protein and high carbohydrate diet is seen in the body with better tolerance of glucose, low blood pressure and cholesterol.'

The rats which were researched when they reached their middle age, showed a special thing in them. The eating of bad mid-mice eating bad food was bad.
Our biology has created this for growth and reproduction. When we start getting old, things change. ' Studies found that the rats that got more protein food were thin and thin. But his health was bad and he died soon. Therefore, at least scientists will be advised not to starve themselves to keep them slim.

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