Be careful, by doing this your memory can go ...| MY ALL HEALTH TIPS
Be careful, by doing this your memory can go ...
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Be careful, by doing this your memory can go ... |
Many times we are unaware of such things and movements that are directly harming our brain. If these charges were to continue, then it may be possible to remember very soon. Tensions and sleeping are also involved in these. You might be thinking that such memory is not possible, but after reading it you will be convinced, the danger of hitting the brain ...
From the beginning it is believed that it is necessary to take adequate sleep for good health. According to doctors, every person must take at least six to eight hours of sleep. However, many people are taking less than five hours of sleep due to modern lifestyle and bad habits. But doing this can prove to be quite fatal for her memory.
A study in London has revealed that sleeping less than five hours can weaken the memory of a person. This study focuses on not having a connection between nerve cells in the hippocampus to a part of the brain.
Studies have shown that low sleep does not cause the association between the nerve cells in the hippocampus, which makes memory less vulnerable. Robert Havacks, Assistant Professor of Groningen Institute for Evolutionary Life Sciences, gave this information after the study.
He said, 'It is clear that sleep plays an important role in maintaining memory. We know that taking a nap is helpful in bringing back memories. But, how less sleep affects the functioning of the hippocampus and weakens memory, it is clear. '
Until recently, it has also been believed that changes in the combination of synoptysis-structures passing neuronal signals may have an effect on memory. Researchers tested it on the brains of rats. In the test, the effect of less sleep on the structure of Dendrites was tested. First, he inspected the number of dendrites spin related to hippocampus of dendrites and rats, with a five-hour low sleep for Golgi's silver-staining method.
Analysis showed that decreased duration of dendrites related to the nerve cells and the density of the spinal cord with less sleep. They continued to under-test the sleep, but after that the rats gave them three hours without interruption. This was done to test the former works of scientists. Formerly it was said that sleeping for three hours is enough to compensate for the loss of gold.
The effect of the test sleeping less than five hours was re-examined. In this, the dendrically structures of rats were monitored during the sleep of the mice, so there was no difference in the dendritic structure. After this it was examined that the impact of low sleep on the atomic level. It has been revealed that low sleep takes negative effect on the molecular mechanism and it also targets coffin.
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